Stuck at Home? Why Not Hunt for Precious Metals Now?

If you live in most parts of the country, you’re not supposed to leave your house, except to go to the food store or pharmacy. If that’s been your situation for more than a few days, chances are that you are itching to do something productive and energizing.

So we have a suggestion for you – and one that could be not only interesting but profitable . . .

Why not find all the items in your house that contain gold, platinum, silver and other precious metals, set them aside, and call us?

Because the Fact Is . . .

It is not unusual for a house, maybe even your house, to contain several hundred dollars’ worth of gold, silver and platinum. You could leave those metals sitting right where they are, or you could invest a little time and cash in on their value. It’s up to you, but here are some places where hunting for precious metals in your own home has the potential to pay you back.

Gather Up Small Electronic Devices You Are No Longer Using

Virtually all small electronic devices have printed circuit boards that contain small quantities of gold. Be on the lookout for:

  • Old cellphones

  • Remotes

  • Personal Digital Assistants (PDA)

  • Tablets

  • Game consoles

Old Jewelry

It’s time to pour out the contents of any old jewelry boxes or dresser drawers and see what you have. Be on the lookout for:

  • Gold rings, watches, pins and other items of jewelry

  • Silver pins and brooches

  • Small solid gold items that can include tuxedo shirt studs, chains, religious medals, charms, and more


Even in modern homes, it is not unusual to find some gold-plated knives, forks and spoons hiding unused in kitchen drawers. Pull them out and set them aside.

And if you happen to have a chest that contains a set of sterling silver or gold-plated tableware, you could be looking at something that is worth more than a few hundred dollars. Snap some pictures on your phone and call our precious metal recycling consultants today to talk things over.

When You Find Promising Items, Call Us at 800-426-2344

We are here to share our expertise about what you have found, what it might be worth, and how to test it and reclaim its value. We will tell you how to package up and send your items to us for testing and processing.

So, how will you spend your quiet time at home? You could binge-watch your favorite show for another day, or you could use your time profitably by setting aside the precious metals your home contains. When you are ready to take action, call us at 800-426-2344. 


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