Can You Name the Precious Metals that Are Found in These Cars?

Okay, You think you know all there is to know about precious metal scrap, here’s a question for you . . .

What precious metals are found in a regular old gas-powered automobile?

Chances are you can answer that question without thinking too hard about it. A gas or diesel-powered car contains gold (in the printed circuit boards that are onboard), some silver in them too, and a small quantity of platinum in its catalytic converter.

Okay. If you are so smart, here’s another question for you to answer . . .

What precious metals are found in a gas-electric hybrid car?

The answer to that question is that a gas-electric hybrid contains the same metals that we listed just above for gas and diesel vehicles, plus some extra lithium, nickel, and cadmium in their batteries.

And while you have your thinking cap on, here’s another question for you . . .

What precious metals are found in an all-electric car?

A fully electric, plug-in car is a good source of gold and silver (in its circuitry), plus lithium, nickel, and cadmium in its battery pack.

But Here’s a Trick Question for You!

We expect you answered the questions above easily because the vehicles we were asking about have been made for years now. But the next, harder-to-answer question is . . .

What precious metals are found in a hydrogen fuel cell car?

Fuel cell cars are about the newest form of advanced vehicles on the road – therefore, you might not know too much about them or about the precious metals they carry.

Most of us expect to see more and more of these vehicles on the road in the decades to come. So, what precious metals do they contain?

  • Gold, in their printed circuit boards

  • Silver, in switches and contacts

  • Rare earth metals, in touchscreens

  • Cadmium, nickel and lithium in their batteries

But hydrogen fuel cell cars also have fuel cells that contain platinum, ruthenium, and even palladium. The presence of those substances sets fuel cell-powered vehicles apart from the others that are on the road today. Those metals are part of the catalytic structures that generate electricity when hydrogen passes through them.

And where are those fuel cell-powered cars now? For the most part, they are sold in California and Hawaii. But they are coming and in the future, they could become a more important source of precious metals we can recycle and reclaim for you.

If you have a car that contains precious metals you would like to know the value of – and potentially recycle profitably – why not give our precious metal consultants a call at 800-426-2344? We are here to help you convert your gold scrap, silver scrap, platinum scrap – as well as the more exotic precious metals we have mentioned in this post – and make money in the fast-changing world of automotive technology.


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