Don’t Toss Old Electronics after the Holidays

Your husband gives you a new tablet for Chanukah. Or you get a new gaming console for Junior as a Christmas gift.

There’s no doubt about it. The holidays are the time of year when older electronic devices get replaced by new ones – often dozens of them at a time. And you have a choice. You could stick all your old devices in your dresser drawer, or you could gather them up and send them to Specialty Metals Smelters and Refiners and have us recover the gold, platinum and silver they contain. Before you dismiss this suggestion because you have only five or six items, let us ask you a question . . .

Do you really have only five or six electronic devices that you don’t need anymore. . . or do you have dozens of them or more that have piled up over the years?

If you look around your house and possibly ask some of your friends and relatives to look in their homes too, you could discover that you have a lot more electronic devices than you thought possible. Since those devices each contain a small quantity of gold, why not collect them all and send them to us to be recycled? Here is a checklist of items to look for.

Digital Cameras

If you got a new smartphone as a gift this year, perhaps it is time to ask whether you will still be using your old digital camera(s) for taking snapshots. Chances are you don’t need to keep old digital cameras around, especially old ones that take pictures at a resolution lower than 14 megapixels. Gather them up and consider recycling them.


The newest tablets from Apple, Amazon, Samsung and other makers have so many features, you are probably not going to need your old one. Members of your family will be abandoning their old tablets too. If you have a big family, the number can really add up. And remember, each tablet contains a small quantity of gold that can be recycled.


The same can be said for laptops. Now that you and your family members have new, state-of-the-art models with all sorts of advanced features, why would you keep your old ones lying around? Scoop them up and send them to us to be recycled.

Audio Equipment

Now that we have entered the age of smart speakers and app-controlled home audio systems like Sonos, you really don’t need your old amplifier, receiver and other outdated equipment. The printed circuit boards they contain – often pretty big ones – also contain gold that is worth recycling.

DVD Players and Other Old Home Entertainment Devices

You’re watching your movies on streaming services now. The result is that the nice Blu-Ray player you bought a decade ago is gathering dust. And if you have an old VHS player, the same holds true. Why keep those antique items lying around when you can turn them into dollars?

All Sorts of Devices You Don’t Need Now

Many homes are full of old devices that are now obsolete. Your home security system might have been replaced by a new app-based system that came to you in one little box. Your old thermostats – even digital ones that were state-of-the-art a few years ago, are suddenly old-fashioned. The list goes on and on. Again, why keep all kinds of obsolete equipment lying around when you can recycle it for dollars?

It’s All a Matter of Quantity

If you have only one or two phones or other devices, you are not going to get a lot of money for recycling them. But as the quantity of devices increases, so does the quantity of precious metals they contain . . . and so does the size of the payment you will get for them.

Do you have older electronic devices to recycle? Great! Your next step is to call Specialty Metals Smelters and Refiners and speak with one of our expert consultants. Call 800-426-2344 to learn more.


Quiz: Do You Know What a Smelter Does?


Five Kinds of Precious Platinum Scrap That Is Getting Tossed . . .