More than 100 Ancient Silver Coins Found in a Farmer’s Field in Poland

What Will You Find?

If you’ve been letting your metal detector gather dust, now could be the time to take it out and hit outdoor areas in search of gold, silver, and platinum.

Nearly every week, a new story reports on finds of precious metals that have been discovered using metals detectors that are probably no more advanced than the one you already own.

The most recent of these news stories reports something rather incredible. Earlier this year, amateur metal prospectors found more than 100 French silver coins underground in a field in Poland. And like all tantalizing discoveries of hidden treasure, this one is mysterious.

Here’s the story . . .

According to an article in, more than 100 silver coins were found in a farmer’s field in Poland. The mystery is that these coins, which date from about 1,200 years ago, were probably minted by a  Carolingian king in France.

How did they get to Poland? The theory is that they were a ransom that was paid to the Vikings who occupied Europe at the time. Why a ransom? Apparently, at the time, cities and empires across Europe routinely paid ransoms to the Viking invaders – if a city paid a ransom to the Vikings, they would agree not to sack the city in question. Apparently. Vikings were pretty ruthless. They would abduct people from across Europe and sell them into slavery.

And how did these 100 coins find their way to Poland? Apparently, Vikings had various depots across Europe where they would collect the ransom they had collected and transact their horrible business of transporting slaves. Based on the presence of this underground hoard of silver coins, one such depot was apparently in the region of Poland where these coins were found.

You Can Find Buried Valuables Near Where You Live Too

What does the discovery in Poland have to do with looking for buried treasure near where you live? More than you might expect, because it shows that buried precious metal items can be found in the most unexpected places.

Here are some places to hit with your precious metal detector, near where you live.

  • At parks and on beaches – There is a reason why you see so many people using metal detectors in these areas, which are visited daily in the warmer months by people who are apt to lose jewelry. If you find those items, you can place notices online and attempt to return the items you find to their owners, often for a reward. If you cannot connect with the owners, these items become yours and you can sell them or send them to Specialty Metals Smelters and Refiners to be processed.

  • Around the foundations of old and newer buildings – Prospectors are making good finds in and around the foundations of these structures. And here’s a hint. If you fly a camera-equipped drone over open land, you might be able to locate the sites of older abandoned buildings that are top prospecting sites.

  • In and around old wells – Please exercise care when prospecting at these sites, which can be hazardous. Never, for example, go into old wells, which can cave in. Instead, consider lowering your detector into them while you remain safely on solid ground. Yet the area around old wells can yield valuable discoveries.

  • In cemeteries and churchyards – Smart prospectors know that these areas often yield valuable small items of jewelry. They also know that the areas adjacent to old walls that surround these sites are the best places to wield a metal detector. Why? Because in centuries past, people sat on these walls and dropped watches, jewelry and coins on the ground. So take out your detector and get looking!

  • Around old factories – These sites can yield a surprising amount of valuable gold, silver, and even platinum scrap. Look for areas near and under drains that were used to discard accumulations of water from inside the buildings. Often, the black sand that has accumulated is much more valuable than it appears.

  • Inside old manufacturing businesses – They could be jewelry factories, machine shops, or other kinds of businesses where precious metals were used. Use your detector but be ready to pull up floorboards and wallboards. They could contain enough gold, silver, and platinum to pay you a high return.

And Here’s a New Prospecting Tool to Add to Your Equipment

In addition to aerial drones, it is now possible to buy camera-equipped drones that can search underwater in lakes, rivers, and even the ocean. Be sure to check them out for sale on They are miniature submarines that can cruise underwater and send you back images of what they see. Some are even equipped with “claws” that can pick up smaller items and bring them to you on the surface.

Prices for underwater drones currently range from about $500 to $5,000 or more, depending on features. Note that all of them are equipped with tether lines that help assure that you will not lose your expensive drone.

Check them out. And when you find valuables to recycle, call us at 800-426-2344. We are here to test all your discoveries, extract the precious metals they contain, and pay you promptly at current market prices.

Adventure waits for prospectors, and profits too.


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