Where to Look for Precious Metals When Cleaning Out an Old House

If you are cleaning out a house, don’t make the mistake of tossing items that contain gold, silver, or other valuable metals. Here’s a checklist of the places you should be sure to look.


  • Computers, modems, monitors, printers, and other computer peripherals contain gold and silver. 

  • Televisions, both old and new, contain gold and silver in their printed circuit boards.


  • Stoves, refrigerators, and air conditioners contain printed circuit boards that contain gold, silver, as well as short thermocouple wires that can contain gold, copper, and even small quantities of platinum.

  • Virtually all small kitchen appliances, including toasters and toaster ovens, have printed circuit boards that contain gold.

Home Systems

  • Heating and central air conditioning systems have thermocouples that contain gold, copper, and even small quantities of platinum.

  • Home security and alarm systems have printed circuit boards that contain gold and silver.

  • Home wiring contains large quantities of copper, which is currently selling for about $3.50/pound.

Kitchen and Serving Items

  • Sterling Silverware: knives, forks, and spoons.

  • Silver bar items such as shot glasses and stirring sticks.

  • Silver punch bowls and serving plates.

And Don’t Forget to Look for Hidden Valuables

If you have been storing valuable items in a safe or other secure place your own home, you know where to find them. But if you are cleaning out a house that was owned by other people like elderly relatives or strangers, you might not know if they have hidden valuables. 

Be sure to look in the following areas:

  • Behind panels and false backs in closets.

  • Underneath drawers in dressers and desks.

  • Behind loose bricks in the foundation.

  • Under false floors in basements.

  • In safes that are hidden in walls.

  • In containers that are hidden in fireplace flues and behind bricks in fireplaces.

  • In hollowed out books, which are among the most popular places to hide cash and small valuables.

  • In paint cans, soup cans and other innocent-looking receptacles in storage areas.

What to Do with those Valuables

Call our precious metal refinery at 800-426-2344. We will explain how you can send your discoveries to our labs for testing and evaluation. 

Don’t let precious metal items slip through your fingers. Give us a call instead.


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