What’s Your Best Gold Investment Strategy as World Uncertainty Mounts?

Gold was trading at about $1,300 in 2018. Today, the price is more than $1,900. Those are the facts. Yet what do they mean if you are someone who likes to invest in gold? Are prices about to level off, rise even higher . . . or fall?

Gold investors are asking those questions. And just now, in light of world events, other questions are coming into play too . . .

  • What effect will Russia’s invasion of Ukraine exert on gold prices?

  • If the Fed raises interest rates (which seems likely), will more investors buy and hold gold, which has traditionally been a hedge against inflation?

  • If a growing number of investors start to move away from stocks, will that be another factor in getting gold prices to rise still higher?

  • Will the current trend for wealthy people to invest in luxury goods increase the demand for gold and platinum, causing demand to increase and prices to rise even more?

  • Will the increasing production of electric vehicles increase the demand for gold, which is used in circuit boards that are used in the vehicles themselves, as well as in charging stations?

Yes, Everything Is Up in the Air, Yet . . .

Will gold remain a good investment? Here at Specialty Metals Smelters and Refiners, we have a simple way to answer that question. We know from past experience that the following principle is true, and will remain so . . .

If you can buy gold scrap at low prices, the trends we mentioned above will not adversely affect your ability to make money investing in gold.

Even though gold trading prices may rise and fall, it will still be possible to buy gold at prices that are well below current trading prices – providing you concentrate on buying and recycling gold scrap.

Here’s an example . . .

  • If you buy a gold coin for $1,000, you can then sell it for about that same amount of money.

  • If you buy a quantity of gold scrap (like eyeglass frames, old jewelry, or floor sweepings from a jewelry production factory) for $1,000, the gold it contains could be worth much more. And that difference will be your profit.

If you buy scrap, you could even double your money. (That kind of return is not certain, but it can be achieved.)

So our advice to you is, buy gold scrap – and platinum and silver scrap too. Then call our precious metal recyclers at 800-426-2344. We are here to test your precious metal scrap, issue you a report on what it is worth and then pay you for the current market value of the precious metals it contains.

So . . . ignore the trends and make money anyway. We have been doing that for our customers for many years, and we can do it for you now.


Service for Processing Hard-to-Recycle Precious Metal Items!


Will Russia’s War on Ukraine Make Precious Metal Prices Soar?