Why Metal Detectors Are Great Tools for Discovering Precious Metals Right Here in North America

Metal detector enthusiasts in the British Empire have been making remarkable discoveries lately. In Kent, England, a pair of treasure hunters found a horde of gold coins dating from the 14th century that are worth about $20,000. And just last week in Suffolk, England a butcher with a metal detector discovered about 750 Roman-age coins buried in a field. Their value? Priceless.

There is a reason why so many treasures are being found in the British Isles – it is simply that these areas were occupied by Rome before the fall of the Roman Empire in the 15th Century. But does that mean that you cannot use a metal detector to find precious metals right here in the United States and Canada? Not at all. In fact, every week brings new stories about people who are making valuable discoveries close to home, sometimes right on their own property.

What are the best places to go hunting for gold, silver, platinum, and other “finds” using a metal detector close to home? The most promising sites include . . .

  • On beaches close to lakes and the ocean, where people are apt to lose small items of jewelry.

  • Underwater near docks and marinas, where items of jewelry have been lost overboard.

  • Near wells and old building foundations on your property or large tracts of public land.

What Equipment Do You Need to Find Lost Precious Metals in Open Spaces?

  • A good, modern metal detector that you know how to use.

  • A trowel and small folding shovel that you can carry and use to dig up and explore areas where your detector makes a find.

  • A collection of small plastic boxes where you can organize and store your discoveries.

  • A smartphone app like Gaia GPS Hiking where you can record the exact locations of the places where you have made discoveries.

  • A good digital camera where you can take photographs of your finds and their locations.

  • Sunscreen, insect repellant, and a first-aid kit to protect you from outdoor mishaps and treat small cuts and scrapes.

Get Ready to Discover Valuables in Your Explorations

The discovery of just a single piece of lost jewelry or a coin can make a day of prospecting well worth your time.

And when you make those discoveries, call our precious metal refinery at 800-426-2344. Be ready by having a photo of your items that you can forward to us. We can test what you have found (from a few coins to a piece of jewelry), test it to determine its value, reclaim the precious metals it contains and pay you its full value at current trading prices.  


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