Five Mysterious Reasons Precious Metals Could Be the Greatest Investments of All

At Specialty Metals Smelters and Refiners, we know that precious metals are the smartest investments you can make. Over the years, we have seen so many people profit handsomely from investing in platinum scrap, gold scrap, silver scrap, and even cadmium scrap.

We know there are plenty of practical reasons that precious metals will continue to increase in value. One is that precious metals, with the possible exception of silver, are relatively rare. Another reason is that they are beautiful.

But in today’s post, we’d like to offer our opinion that precious metals also increase in value because they have unique and somewhat mysterious properties that add to their allure and, by extension, to their value.

Let’s take a look at what some of these mysterious factors are.

Your gold wedding ring could contain gold that was once worn by Cleopatra, Marie Antoinette, or Elizabeth Taylor

Over a period of thousands of years, gold and other precious metals have been melted down, alloyed with other metals, and hammered into new shapes. The mysterious result is that you never know exactly what secrets are hidden in the past of the precious metal you own, which is basically untraceable. How’s that for a mystery? Maybe Neanderthals once owned that piece of gold that is now yours – or maybe a Roman empress. Who knows? It’s all part of the romance of gold that helps keep its value high.

Precious metal investments are immune to changing tastes

If you invest in a painting from an artist who is “hot” this year, it can fall in value if the artist falls out of favor in the art world. If you invest in a stock from a new tech company, that stock could crater if the technology fails to work or becomes obsolete. But silver, platinum, gold, and the other precious metals retain their value despite changing tastes. Gold, for example, possesses a value that resides in the material itself, not in fads. And precious metals can change shape. If a piece of gold jewelry you own becomes unfashionable, for example, it can be remade into something new. It’s another reason why precious metals are a great and durable investment.

Precious metals continue to be used in important new ways

Gold and platinum are being used in new ways in aerospace applications. Gold, platinum, and silver are being used in medicines to fight cancer and other diseases. That is one of the utterly amazing advantages of precious metals, which will never become obsolete. It is actually pretty miraculous.

Precious metals are tied to love

People still give platinum and gold engagement and wedding rings, and they always will. When people who have been together in long-running love relationships want to say “I love you” again, they give gifts made of gold, platinum, and other precious metals. There’s no doubt about it, precious metals and love are connected. They always will be, and that will keep demand and values high.

Precious metals are woven into popular culture

Over the years, people have become entranced with the idea of finding buried treasure. Tales of heists and gold thefts have captured the imagination. The great gold rush of 1849 was a major force that opened California and Alaska and drove Americans to move to the West Coast. Some of the most popular movies ever made – from “Goldfinger” to “The Italian Job” to “The Gold Rush” - all have to do with gold. And there are many more examples. That helps keep the allure of gold strong and helps keep its value high.

From Mystery to Profit . . .

We hope you have enjoyed our exploration today of some of the mysterious reasons why gold, silver, platinum, and other precious metals are unique investments. But the best thing about them isn’t that they are mysterious, it is that you can make a significant profit if you invest in them.

Whatever kind of precious metals scrap you have, why not call Specialty Metals Smelters and Refiners at 800-426-2344. We are here to take the mystery out of making money in precious metals.


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